Publishing is what we do. Fulfilling dreams is why we're here.
Our Submission Policy
You have a story to tell. You've typed the words, The End. It's finally
time to share it with the world. Now what?
Finding a publisher to accept your manuscript for publication can be
a scary and daunting task. Finding a publisher that loves your story
as much as you do . . . rare. But, like a diamond in the rough, they do
First, and foremost, believe in yourself, and believe in your story.
Secondly, do your part as a writer. Never submit a first draft to any publisher. Write, edit, and write some more.
Edit again, rewrite and polish. Then follow the publisher's submission policies before submitting. Lastly, never...never...
did we say, never, pay a publisher to publish your story.
Efi Loo Publishing's Delicatessen of Dreams
Here at Efi Loo Publishing, we have an eclectic appetite for tales. We enjoy devouring a good who-done-it, tales that
scare, a story that makes us laugh, a story that makes us cry, and short stories that capture the imagination of the
young at heart; no matter their age.
Our Current Menu
Currently, we are not accepting manuscripts.
What We are Hungry For
The Required Ingredients
*Manuscript submissions should be in either Word.doc or .Rft formats, and sent as an attachment to the cover letter.
*The captivating tale must be between 8,000 and 10,000 words.
*Type should be Times New Roman 12-point, 1.5 line-spacing and one-inch margins. Four asterisks between scene
breaks, and page breaks between chapters.
*Cover letter should be a brief introduction to the author and how their story will capture the imagination of the
young, and old, at heart.
*Author contact information and word count should be on the first page of the manuscript's front page.
*In order to be considered for publication, please submit only the first two chapters. If we are interested, we will
request the remainder of the manuscript.
*All submissions should be sent to:
submissions@efiloopublishing.com with Bedtime Stories on the Go! in the subject line.
Added Ingredients
*We do not accept submissions unless we have an active request, which can be found in
*Submissions are opened to all published, and never before published, authors.
*In the event we have more than one active call for submissions, we do accept multiple submissions from one author.
We do not; however, accept simultaneous submissions or reprints. Reprints include self-published works.
*In order for a submission to be considered for acceptance, it must adhere to our submission policy. This enables us
to give the necessary, quality time to read each submission.
*Submissions that are accepted for publication are subject to editing. Any author who is not open to editing should not
submit. We do not believe in editing that sets out to change an author's voice, or story, but in editing that aims to help
showcase an author's talent.
*All publications are contingent upon a signed agreement between the author and Efi Loo Publishing, Inc.
Efi Loo Publishing will never request a fee from the author in order to publish. In exchange of an advance, we offer
the author a higher percentage of royalties than most publishers, which are paid on a monthly basis. Our preferred
method of payment is PayPal; however, payment can be made via a check from Efi Loo Publishing, Inc.
*Please allow an eight to twelve week turnaround on submissions after the call for submissions has closed. If after
three months you have not received a response, please send us an email at: submissions@efiloopublishing.com;
requesting the status of your story. Remember, we're human, too, and that includes Efi Loo!
*Would you like to be informed when we have an active call for submissions or when a new author has joined
our family? Signing up for our mailing list is easy! And if you just want to drop us a line to say hello or share your
favorite recipe with us, that's easy to do too! For your convenience, we have provided you with transportation.
Thank you for your interest in joining our growing family. We look forward to reading your dreams!
What We Offer at Efi Loo Publishing
*In-house editing.
*Book cover design.
*Book formatting; paperback and E-book (unless otherwise stipulated).
*A publishing house to call family.